Sunday, 18 March 2012

No thyme like a present

It was my 21st birthday yesterday. Plus a few years. Ok, plus a decade. And a few years. I'm a very lucky boy, blessed with messages, cards, drinking buddies and pressies.

Birthday presents are always brilliant. A combination of the generosity, thought and care of family and friends, the presents often bring more than happiness. Indeed they often bring you the excitement of anticipation. Of joys yet to come.  But naturally the present has to reflect the age you're at: 

Red-veined Sorrel
  • A child?  You get lego. Innocence and training for your future all wrapped in one amazing toy.
  • 16 it's condoms hidden in box full of hot chocolate sachets (at least it was for me, cheers Kris and Ben). 
  • 18. Booze.
  • In your 20's - its anything to reflect your ill-chosen career, that you still believe passionately in. Or books.
  • 30 - More booze, just a bit more expensive this time, usually with bubbles, usually causing you twice the pain over twice the length of time alcohol did when you were 18.
And once in to your's your hobbies that get the full attention of your nearest and dearest. Very kindly, my good friend Sarah surprised me with three new herbs for my collection. I'll be adding these to the 'About thyme' page shortly, but let me introduce you to them because they are not herbs I'd have immediately been aware of or thought of buying.

Florence fennel
Black Peppermint
The punters at the bar last night must have thought it an odd sight to see a group of us sampling the leaves of these herbs. Rock and roll! And it is indeed a miracle that my bleary eyes found these all in good condition this morning. Indeed, it was a relief that they were here at all. Rum. Kids, just say no.

Black peppermint tasted especially potent last night, and I'm really looking forward to planting these out. If anyone has good foodie suggestions for these herbs let us know with comments or tweets.

Now of course, along with presents come topical cards. And there is always one comedian, usually my (v talented) sister (see her contribution at the bottom of the card):

To everyone who made yesterday superb, thank you so so much. And a big thank you too to the fab Camilla and Agnese at my second home 194 degrees F for my post birthday hangover treat when I finally emerged from my shell at, oh about 4pm today

But of course, for a guy in his (now) mid-30's it's about time for a mid-life crisis. Gardening doesn't really fit the bill, so instead my parents extremely generously treated me to my very own drum kit. If this is the last blog post you ever get from me, you'll know it's because I'm totally delusional and am pursuing the dream to be a rock star...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the start where the Gorilla likes the smell of his own farts.

The Hapless Kitchen Gardener

My photo
I only feel hapless because some people make it look easy to grow 10 ft marrows or a banquet of greens whereas my courgettes got nabbed by killer slugs and I only got one raspberry. So tips and stories from people less hapless than I are more than welcome. As a disclaimer though, none of my comments should be taken as expert advice on which you can rely! © Unless stated otherwise, and with the exception of guest content where that guest retains copyright, all photos and posts are the copyright of Tom Carpen and may not be used without permission.